Monday, May 27, 2013

One step forward, two steps back

I thought I was doing so well! Who ever heard of an assignment submitted a day early? For me early means before the end of grace period. Full disclosure, last semester I turned one in two minutes after the grace period deadline (technical difficulties, otherwise I would have made it just in time!). Fortunately, the professor let it go. Anyway, we are done with the prompt, I have been blogging ans tweeting, I even posted a few discussion posts already. But... Paper! I hate papers! I can write discussion and blog posts all day long, but having a paper due kills my soul. Really, it is only 1200 words, why couldn't I have done more today? A whole day of moping around, changing from one topic to another, looking for sources, ignoring family! Why? All I wanted is to write this thing early so I will have one extra day of vacation. I could have had fun today and would not be any farther behind. Anyhow, not much of a blog post today.

And, in case you missed my tweet, Happy Russian National Library Day! (Поздравляю со Всероссийским Днем Библиотеки!)


  1. Asele I am a procrastinator and usually I turn assignments in during the grace period. I think something is wrong with me because I have turned in all assignments on time for this class! LOL! I hope all goes well for you with this paper!

  2. I think I am the opposite. Not with procrastinating (guilty as charged, lol), but I would so much rather write a paper than anything else. Last semester in Ondrusek's Online Searching class I was paying for a research paper. But maybe that comes from being a historian? I had to write a 120+ page thesis, and I would much rather do that again than some other assignments in other classes (not this one, but other classes, haha).
