Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Utopian Vision

Is there such a thing as over-posting and do we get extra credit or at least brownie points for that? I don't really care. I have more words to say.

I just though that I would publicly address the question posted by a classmate regarding the content of my hypothetical wiki. I tend to be quite an idealist and my library vision is admittedly somewhat utopian. I am enthusiastic about my less than glamorous position as a page. So what if I get paid less per hour than my daughter does fr babysitting? I used to do the same for free as a volunteer. My family is willing to make sacrifices because they know I love what I do and will finally have a career I love, even though finding a job may be more of a challenge than getting through this course. 

Anyhow, It is not surprising that  my plan for the library wiki is somewhat utopian. I envision it is becoming a kind of community portal, with the library as a central hub pulling it all together. It will contain information, discussions, and planning process not only on library events, but hopefully, the library will become such an integral part of the community, that it will have a role and a say in many civic programs. There will also be sections on book discussions, comments and suggestions by patrons and other citizens. Many of them have similar questions and through this wiki they can all be addressed and discussed at once and with input from all interested parties. Netcipia allows unlimited users and pages, so there can be many different groups: by demographics: retirees, teens, young professionals, parents; by interest in different genres of literature, film, and music; and by other interests. Netcipia blocks illegal topic, which could be useful, but appropriate criteria will have to be determined. This will of course require serious commitment from the staff, firm support from the management, major public relations efforts, training sessions for the community and many other events that are, realistically, quite unlikely to come together.

Still, It is nice to dream. As my experienced colleagues at the library kindly informed me, the enthusiasm will wear off quite quickly as soon as find out what working at the library is really like. I know they are right to some extend, but why put a damper on someone's dream?


  1. Write away, Asele. For us technophobes it is harder to translate computer speak into plain English. I know I had trouble in choosing between the choices I was given, too. I guess you just took the high road. Lol.

  2. Asele,
    There is alot to be said for doing what you want to do - being happy where you are regardless of money. I started as a page many years ago ($3.38/hr). We need dreamers, innovators, and traditionalist to give balance in a work envirnoment.

  3. That is among the nicest and most encouraging things I have heard in a long time. Thank you! Not aspects of this vision are impossible. And some will even become essential for libraries' survival in the long run. If we don't want to go all digital we have to go out there and be making a difference.
